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ES5, ES6, ES7 and ES2015 and ES2016. Isn't it just all JS?

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JS, Why we love you?

One of my biggest loves on the coding word is the JS (JavaScript) language.

I don’t know why, but since I started to make simple code with JQuery and to research about the language under your hood and I got what is JS, the first thing that I did was thanked how the coding world can be really beautiful and simple with a programming language like that.

Then, my second opportunity to work with JS was the ExtJS framework, I was not so good at coding at that time, but I liked all about the idea of the Component paradigm of something that was very much like what React is today but in 2013!

With the ExtJS I started to learn about Hybrid development with your mobile framework: Sencha Mobile (that now is Sencha Touch). Instantaneously I liked the mobile development with JS (that were much, much simpler than developing with Java and Objective C) so I started to study the development with Cordova and Phonegap (They are the same!).

My third opportunity to work with JS was with Node.js development. When I saw what I did with the MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node) stack I put myself as a Steve Wosniak of web development. This was my best moment as a developer.

You can see my first project with Node.js on your Github link.

After this I worked with AngularJS, LeafletJS, React, Turbolinks, Ionic, Karma, Protractor, React and React Native and many others JS technologies and a thing that I got: This is the future of the Coding (no only the Web, but the Mobile and Desktop development too).

Then I started my journey with ES6 and functional programming, that for me is one of the best worlds. I just love it!

Today (2018) I am working with Typescript, which made the Javascript code more Object-oriented and typed, that I liked it since the beginning because I started to code as a Java developer.

But you can be thinking why I need to know why you like the JS language? I want to understand better the differences between the ESs’. Ok! I’m asking the same, but if you’ve read everything I’ve written so far, I can only thank you. So thank you and let’s get to what matters.

ES5, ES6, ES7 why we need all these ESs?

In this article, I want to take a second to clear up some confusion around the terms ES5, ES6, ES7, and ES2015 and ES2016. Why do people keep saying ES6 and seven, but then what’s ECMAScript 2016? Aren’t we all writing JavaScript? Isn’t it just all JavaScript? So what is it?

Well, most of that is right.

The language we’re writing is still called JavaScript, but you should know that the governing organization which releases the standardized specifications for JavaScript is called the European Computer Manufacturers Association, or ECMA and they’re the ones who are in charge of telling all the programmers and people who make browsers what is and isn’t JavaScript.

Now, JavaScript was originally written back in 1997, and since then ECMA has been updated seven different times, and each of those editions has been known as ES1, ES2, all the way to ES6, which the people at ECMA decided to later rename to ES2015 with the hope that new editions would be released yearly, and that those editions would be identified by their year.

On this blog, I’ll try to review some pieces of syntax that were released in ES5 or ES2015, but because of the convention of the way people say it is often referred to as being a part of ES2016 or ES7.

If you read all this article, we can read another ones? Right? So Thank you, and I see you soon!


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